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Many of the classic styles, colors and sizes in my collection are stocked by my knitters in Scotland
with delivery normally within 7-10 business days.
Styles, colors and sizes NOT stocked are made to custom order for YOU and normally take 6-8 weeks for delivery
Thank you to my valued customers through all these years who have appreciated
Uncompromising Quality and knew the difference between
Genuine Cashmere and "So called Cashmere"
Many of the classic styles, colors and sizes in my collection
are stocked by my knitters in Scotland with delivery normally within 7-10 business days.
Styles, colors and sizes NOT stocked are made to order
and normally take 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Women's Knitwear, Men's Knitwear, Women's Accessories, Men's Accessories
You and I are rare breeds in this crazy world we now live in.
The majority of people and cashmere websites pay lip service to proclaiming to "do the correct thing"
and buy only "sustainable" and "fair trade" products.
But when it comes to "walking the walk", they don't want to personally pay for what those words mean.
They do not care that labeling laws are so lax and that their cashmere item may have little or no cashmere in it or that it
may be mixed with yak or even rat hair. They do not care that quality costs;
that their garment is most likely made by someone who does not earn a living wage, and may, in fact,
be made by a political prisoner is some foreign land. All they want is "cheap" and that is what they are getting,
but at what cost to our world?
ALL my products are the finest purest and highest quality natural fibers
ALL my products are genuinely made in Scotland and Italy
ALL my products are genuinely labeled
ALL my products are sustainable
ALL my products are fairly traded
ALL my products are made by genuine craftspeople who make a genuine living wage
ALL my products will last for years with proper care so actually cost less in the long run than "cheap" cashmere
I am always available via email or phone to offer assistance and guidance. You may also find answers to questions of Sizing, Cashmere Care and my core Philosophy under the tab MORE
For those who wish to learn about quality cashmere, please read The Naked Truth About Cashmere
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